Monthly Archives: June 2016

Responding to Slander

Unfortunately most of us have been there — we hear through the grapevine about some lude tales that have been told about us. Maybe it was something at work, or maybe it was a family member or close friend (or thought to be close friend) that went off the deep end. Hurt sets in, feelings of “why” questions of what steps to take follow. Should I go set the record straight? Will anyone believe me when I tell them the truth? Do people believe the horrible lies being spread about me? Don’t they know me better than to believe these things? Why would someone go out of their way to defame my character? Why?

Feelings of betrayal and anger set in. Sometimes there may be motivation to go set the matter straight — especially if it is a situation at work. Feelings of hurt, shame and embarrassment. You find yourself dealing with a problem that you did not create, dealing with a tarnished reputation, wondering how far the false words voyaged.  Should you call the person that heard the gossip and set the record straight, or go on not knowing what type of damage is being done to your character.

These blow hurt. They hurt our pride, they fill us with worry, and they feed our insecurities. What if you could shout the truth from a mountain? What if you could let the whole world know what your character is like? There is a way!!! The way we live our lives daily, builds a sort of wall of protection for us. The more we do good, love others, seek truth, and do that which is right, the less believable these tales are, when these situations tragically arise.  Building a foundation of excellent character is the best proactive way to protect from slandering, and continuing in uprightness is the best reactive method. Let you actions, and the way you live your life shout more loudly and travel more speedily than false rumors are able to. There are times when we do need to address some issues, for example if it effects your children, your workplace, or other non-negotiables.